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Education Code 38.016(b) does not: 1. Prevent an appropriate referral under the Child Find system required under 20 U.S.C. Section 1412, as amended; or

 2. Prohibit a District employee who is a registered nurse, advanced nurse practitioner, physician, or certified or appropriately credentialed mental health professional by recommending that a child be evaluated by an appropriate medical practitioner; or


Kerens ISD (Local) Policy - (empty page) The Superintendent shall ensure updating of the District’s Emergency Operations Plan and ongoing staff training.


Section 42.06, Texas Penal Code, or a terroristic threat.


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High Level: Almost always, if a threat is evaluated as high level, the school should

immediately inform the appropriate law enforcement agency. A response plan, which should have been designed ahead of time and rehearsed by both school and law enforcement personnel, should

be implemented, and law enforcement should be informed and involved in whatever subsequent actions are taken in response to a threat.


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Step One -- Immediate Law Enforcement Involvement and Emergency Response

The principal calls a designated contact in the local police department as provided in the school's emergency response plan. The emergency plan is put into effect.


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Step Two -- Threat Assessment - Based on the following, this anonymous threat was

determined to be a high level of threat.


(1) The threat is direct and specific. The caller identifies a specific weapon he will use as well as a location for the assault, and the time the threat will be carried out.

(2) The content of the threat suggests the caller has taken concrete steps to carry out the threat, i.e., he has placed the locker under surveillance in order to determine if someone checks on it.

(3) The identity of the threatener is unknown. His means, knowledge, and resources to construct a pipe bomb are unknown.


Step Three -- Because the threatener is unidentified, the Four-Pronged Assessment cannot be conducted.


Step Four -- Evaluation and Response

Because of its specific detail and plausible nature, this is determined to be a high-level threat posing a serious danger to students and staff and requiring immediate intervention by law

enforcement. If the threatener is subsequently identified, he is likely to be charged with a criminal offense and prosecuted.


Notice May 2014 KISD Bully-Free program since 2010

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