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Johnny Coxx & John Reed

NO referral for psychiatric evaluations offered by KISD nor refused by parents.

Suicide risks, Post-traumatic stress and finally suicide was foreseeable as the anxiety of behaviors escalated in both boys.


Johnny Coxx and John Reed's parents sought out private psychiatrist who both prescribed the same drug (Remeron) = Mirtazapine

Both had anxiety that escalated to severe headaches, trouble sleeping, nightmares, depression, severe anxiety at school, suicidal thoughts and for John Reed suicide.


Johnny Coxx at age 9, 2009-2011 had 42 school nurse logs of vomiting, headaches combined with bully logs of injuries 2009 - 2011. 

Johnny had a Psychiatrist evaluation after withdrawn from KISD by Dr. Ortiz in 2011. Referred by families’ local pediatrician. 15 mg Remeron


John Reed's parents sought help without school referring. John was seen by Adapt in Corsicana and began Remeron 45 mg a few years before he took his life.

The school nurse was informed of medication requirements, yet no school records from the school nurse or school counselor.

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