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 Marvin Aldredge abt 1971 - 1989

Michelle Coxx wrote...Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 2:36 PM

This is the second bully suicide at Kerens ISD. The first was Marvin Aldridge who hung himself in the gym during Coach Andersons PE class.

Marvin had just left the counselors office for depression from bullying. His counselor took his life by shooting himself in the barn at his residence.


Other students have been and are suicidal from the relentless bullying, harassment, and relentless assaults that continue to go unresolved.

Students at KISD fear to report, as nothing is done, and bullies retaliate for them reporting.


Johnny Coxx was withdrawn May 2011. His bullies were African American students and an OCR complaint was made in 2012 against the same school. #06111318

Johnny was sent home on the bus bloodied, bruised many times, with no call from the school. Johnny stated, "The school wouldn't let him call home when he was assaulted."

42 school nurse logs were recovered by parents, not in school records showing constant attacks that were not reported, investigated or resolved.

Johnny's religious rights were also violated. He was told to put his bible away at lunch and recess.


Johnny was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress in 2012 by a licensed psychiatrist at age 9 due to incidents that occurred at Kerens ISD.

Psychiatrist and team at children's hospital concluded, Johnny could no longer function in the school environment due to bullying and is now home-schooled.


Johnny's parents filed 14 formal grievance's with KISD. All were denied. One of which was presented again on May 19th to the school board and Kerens Tribune.

To develop and adopt a student code of conduct with consequences, fines to bully’s parents.  Post it publicly in hallways and classrooms for students and teachers to reference.

Add a button tab on the front page of the website for students who need to report bullying. Superintendent Stanford rejected the request in a statement posting in The Kerens Tribune stating. "It is sufficient. Online"


Details are attached to this email signed by KISD parents.


 From the Parents of students who attended Kerens TX ISD

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