Johnny Coxx...
12/8/2009 Dr. Schwartz verified bruises acute traumatic hematoma right orbit.
KISD Principal said he was not hurt?
Hit in the eye.
Ice applied to bruise
Sent back to class
Parents not called!
The principal said he was not hurt or upset after a black eye and sent this note home with Johnny on the bus blaming him for being pushed out of an assigned spot in line, pushing/NOT HITTING, to get back in line!
Calls battery an incident!
into a brick wall by same bullies.
Ice was applied to lump and sent back to class.
Parents were not called!
No note!
No email!
No investigation!
Johnny got off the bus it was swollen – he was vomiting.
Swelling was the size of a potato
Same bully
Shoved him down again.