Kerens ISD 175907
STUDENT DISCIPLINE FOF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES (LEGAL) http://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Download/934?filename=FOF(LEGAL).pdf
34 CFR 300.530(d)(1)–(2) If the District, the parents, and relevant members of the ARD committee determine that the conduct was a manifestation of the student’s disability, the ARD committee shall: 1. Conduct a functional behavioral assessment (FBA), unless the District had conducted an FBA before the behavior that resulted in the change in placement occurred, and implement a behavioral intervention plan (BIP) for the student; or 2. If a BIP has already been developed, review the BIP and modify it, as necessary, to address the behavior.
FFB CRISIS INTERVENTION (LEGAL) http://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Download/934?filename=FFB(LEGAL).pdf
The policy must prohibit the use without the prior consent of a student’s parent or guardian of a medical screening of the student as part of the process of identifying whether the student is possibly in need of early mental health or substance abuse intervention or suicide prevention. The policy and any necessary procedures adopted must be included in the annual student handbook and the district improvement plan under Education Code 11.252.
The Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), in coordination with TEA and regional education service centers (ESCs), shall provide and annually update a list of recommended best practice based programs in the areas specified below for implementation in public elementary, junior high, middle, and high schools within the general education setting. The District may select from the list a program or programs appropriate for implementation in the District. The list must include programs in the following areas:
1. Early mental health intervention; 2. Mental health promotion and positive youth development; 3. Substance abuse prevention; 4. Substance abuse intervention; and
5. Suicide prevention. TDSHS, TEA, and each ESC shall make the list easily accessible on their Web sites.
The programs on the list must include components that provide for training counselors, teachers, nurses, administrators, and other staff, as well as law enforcement officers and social workers who regularly interact with students, too: 1. Recognize students at risk of committing suicide, including students who are or may be the victims of or who engage in bullying;
2. Recognize students displaying early warning signs and a possible need for early mental health or substance abuse intervention, which warning signs may include declining academic performance, depression, anxiety, isolation, unexplained changes in sleep or eating habits, and destructive behavior toward self and others; and 3.
Intervene effectively with students described by items 1 or 2 above, by providing notice and referral to a parent or guardian so appropriate action, such as seeking mental health or substance abuse services, may be taken by a parent or guardian.
The District shall provide training described in the components set forth above for teachers, school counselors, principals, and all other appropriate personnel. The District is required to provide the training at an elementary school campus only to the extent that sufficient funding and programs are available. The District may implement a program on the list to satisfy the training requirements.