J.R. called me on his cell. He was extremely upset, trying to tell me what happened, and then an irritated woman came on claiming to be the High School Principal and said there was an incident at school and I needed to come down. When I got there, J.R. looked like he had been through the wringer. His eyes were red and had been crying. We were in the Kerens Junior High School and met the H/S Principal Gail White, the Band Director Mr. Wharton, and Chief Wilhelm. They proceeded with the accusations against J.R. accusing him of writing in the boy's bathroom, "In 3 days there will be a shooting - you have been warned" I asked to see the pictures and for them to be sent to my phone.
Mrs. White made it sternly clear to J.R. that Mrs. Anderson, the Junior High Principal, would deal with him when she came back tomorrow, she was out this day. Mrs. White had paperwork for me to sign stating that there would be a hearing and told me the likelihood of J.R. being sent to DEAP (Department of Alternative Education Program) for a month.
Mr. Whorton and Mrs. White left and J.R. and I talked with Officer Wilhelm. I asked Wilhelm -IF- J.R. had done this, what a worst-case scenario would be. He mentioned that the next step would be to go before a judge and have a hearing to see if he (John) would need to be placed in T.J.J.D. (Texas Juvenile Justice Department) which there happens to be a center in Corsicana. I told Officer Wilhelm to thank you and we walked out to the car. J.R. did not talk on the way home, just sat there with his head down.
We got home, and I told J.R. to remove all electronics from his room. While my mom was talking to him to find out what was going on at school I was on the phone with his father (John) telling him what was going on. At some point when J.R. went to take the TV out and grabbed the keys to the green pickup. Unlocked it from the passenger side, put the .22 under his chin, and pulled the trigger. He took his life approximately an hour after he got home from school.