Student dies of apparent suicide:
Marvin Aldredge abt 1971 - 1989
An 18-year-old- Kerens High School student died Monday afternoon about 1 p.m. of an apparent suicide in the school’s gym during a P.E. class. Marvin Aldredge, a junior, was discovered by two students in the weight room area of the boy’s dressing room. He apparently hung himself by suspending a rope through some of the weight equipment in the dressing room, according to school officials.
Emergency crews and members of the Navarro County Sherriff’s department were called to the scene. Aldredge’s body was taken to Dallas where an autopsy is being performed, by order of Pct. 2 Justice of the Peace, Badie Stewart. The student had been living with the Jack Marshall family in Kerens since Dec. 13. He was originally from Celina, where his family still resides.
According to the superintendent of Keren's schools, Lloyd Smith, the student had been told that he was to visit with one of the school’s counselors at the beginning of the P.E. class, but Aldridge never made the appointment.
“This is very tragic no matter where it happens,” said, Smith of the incident, “but because he had lived here such a short time, much of his (Aldredge’s) situation remains a mystery to us.”
According to Smith, the school district is standing ready with trained counselors to speak with the students concerning the tragedy. “We are going to be evaluating the situation today and will see what we feel that we need to do in order to meet the needs of the individual students,” Smith said, “We will do what we have to in order to help the students get through this.” Funeral services for Aldredge are still pending at this time.