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From Staff Reports Corsicana Daily Sun May 8, 2014

Kerens ISD responds to security concerns

Kerens removed another student on May 7th, 2014 the day after John Reed took his life which was 5/6/14


Kerens ISD Superintendent Kevin Stanford said that all Kerens school campuses would be on a “heightened state of awareness” in the light of an alleged threat this week following the death of a student at his home this week.


Stanford said in a letter to parents Thursday the district has an ongoing investigation underway involving school personnel and law enforcement into an alleged threat made by a student.

“It has been concluded at this time that there is no immediate threat,” Stanford said. “However, in consideration of all involved, we will conduct school as usual with a heightened state of awareness. There will be an increased law enforcement presence through the school day Friday.”


Stanford said the safety of students and staff at Kerens ISD is “a first priority” for the district. He urged parents with questions or concerns to contact campus principals or the Kerens ISD administration office.

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