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Johnny Coxx, Age 9:

The following is the story of another student who was also bullied but the mother pulled her son out just in time before things got worse…suicide.

12/5/08 first black eye age 8, 1st grade

9/23/09 pushed into a concrete wall by same Bully, sent home on the bus with a potato-sized lump on his head, school nurse log shows applied ice sent back to class, but parents were not notified.


12/7/09 2nd black eye in lunch line school nurse log shows Johnny was hit, ice applied. Johnny was sent back to class. Johnny was sent home with a note on the bus. Parents were not called. Dr’s Scwarts verified acute hematoma next day.


12/7/2009 3rd black eye 
The principal said he was not hurt or upset!
Would not call parents!
Nurse log shows hit & bruised below.


10/12/10 Repeatedly punched in the face at recess Dr. Scwarts verified several traumatic contusions = bruises and knocked loose tooth.
KISD said Johnny was not hurt – parents were not notified. Kicked in the head while sitting on the gym floor,


5/2/11 pushed into lockers parents were notified on this.


5/19/11 kicked in the head.

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