My vision is to praise my Lord on High. To engross my kids in open love and wisdom that the Lord has blessed me with and to show my family that age is just a state of mind. To treat others as I would want to be treated and to help others even if it is not my job.
My mission is to show my children when life throws unexpected stops you can still accomplish your dreams. I will love and live like the Lord above were in me and as if there were no tomorrow. To spread this energy to everyone I meet, being family, friend or stranger. To teach my children to be open to others and to turn the other cheek no matter what is done to you. I will proceed with my education to get my bachelors and try for masters. Then I will find a career that will provide for my family that will meet our needs and expectations. I will always remember my roots and that no matter how high I get I will have to wear out my knees.