I hope y’all have enjoyed my very first web site. Granted I had to do this for class and I have hit my share of obstacles, but it is finally complete. Come back often for I will be updating information.
Please leave any constructive comments whether bad or good, I am still learning and will take this new information with me into my future projects.
This is no longer for class it is my own personal use. So I've made some changes, added some things, taken away others. I have taken it to express my career history and my need to help other parents of children of being bullied. My son was bullied for so long that he took his life, I do not want another family to go through what I did. If I can pass any information along the way then I will.
I want to thank you for sticking along for the ride.
Y'all come back now, Ya'hear!!!
Y'all Come Back Now!!!
I just adore this toddler 'kissing' this piggy. It is something I would have done as a child myself at my grandparents and a perfect ending to such a dramatic website.